Completing the IKG Access Solution
IKG provides a complete platform access solution with treads, stringers, landings, and protective toe plate, all to your specifications. The advantages of placing complete access infrastructure requirements with IKG include:
- One drawing package
- One estimate
- One quotation
- One purchase order
- One engineering approval
- One delivery
- Material matched and tagged for easy location, tracking and installation
IKG’s scope of coverage goes beyond the bar grating we’re known for to encompass complete Access Infrastructure solutions that include platforms, toe plate, handrail, supports, ladders, ladder safety cages, treads – and stair stringers that position the treads and complete the pathway between floors and intermediate platforms.
IKG saves you from having to keep track of multiple types of fabricators by providing the start-to-finish delivery that installs in a single event. That’s Access Infrastructure!
IKG pre-processes the Stair Stringers to fit up and install at site without field fabrication, leveraging durable ASTM standard steel shapes fabricated to your specifications, and dimensionally compliant with site drawings.